Tayo, the main character of Ceremony has multiple conflicts right off the bat and throughout the novel. Tayo has a major conflict with man v. self; he has this PTSD in taking over his mind. Tayo constantly is upset about something in his past whether it pertains to the Japanese war, his relationship with all of his family members or even other Indians on the reservation. All of these memories are triggers for his PTSD which is a conflict within him. Tayo also has a man versus man conflict, well let’s just say woman if you can even call Auntie this. Through his whole life from the time he was left by his mother with his Grandma, Josiah, Auntie and Rocky until now Tayo has this ongoing conflict with Auntie. She treats him differently that her own precious son Rocky, it isn’t as if she ignores him or keeps him away she just keeps him at a distance so he can see what he is missing out on, a loving mother who adores him. Auntie also goes to Tayo multiple times and tells him little tid-bits of information about his mother or his uncle or even others on the reservation that is just uncalled for. There is no reason to tell a child of his drunken mother ways and how she behaved before and even after Tayo was born, why ruin his memory of his own mother. Tayo has this very odd conflict with nature, he was in the war and it rained almost every day and floods often came through the jungle where he was most of the time. Tayo once wished that it would stop raining and now he believes he’s to blame for the drought they are dealing with now. Man versus Society, this is what I believe to be the biggest conflict Tayo is forced to deal with out of all of them. Tayo is half white and half Native American, he is living on the reservation in his community but everyone including his own Auntie view him differently. Tayo doesn’t really fit in anywhere, in the white community he is considered an alcoholic and useless but then in the Indian community they call him white trash.  Tayo just has one conflict after another building up back to back and he cannot just overcome them. His outcast conflict, man versus society causes other conflicts and just becomes a vicious circle.