I was unable to find a place to go to during our walk this morning; I do not know if it was because my head is filled with so many other things right now. I just couldn’t clear my mind to allow it to move freely and imagine these different stops along the way. My body was here and so was my mind, neither participated. I started with the breathing and could feel the tension leaving my body but once it was time to find that comfortable place in nature my mind began thinking of my bed, which then jumped to studying. Monkey mind has set in and taken over at this point.  Normally my monkey mind will allow me these few moments to relax but I guess today I just have too much on my mind that it decided I couldn’t afford a few minutes to myself. Having late night study sessions, completing readings and video lectures for my classes cause stress so through quiet moments I am running through my checklists. I also start my Work Study today  and have my first major test back to back so that was just taken over my mind, kind of like move on over relaxation stress is moving in today. Maybe during the end meditation I will be able to focus more on the relaxation and less of the other crap filling that time.