So far, the research process for me is…. a pain in the ass!  I love to learn about new topics, often googling and searching to find others opinions but this is just driving me nuts! There is so much on the topic of glass ceilings and women discrimination in the workplace but some how at the same time almost no valuable information! I have found that once you find a source it is very difficult to locate it again. Often when I think I found an excellent creditable source and I print it out the first few pages are great but then they go off into some statistical tangent. Yes, I know statistics are needed to complete studies but when they talk about them I feel as if it is pointless. I can understand some of it since I took AP Stat in high school but most of it just seems irrelevant for my paper topic. I found one really valuable source so far and it is an eBook in the JWU library and well, every time i want to access it i have go and search for it again. No matter how many times I save it and log in it just disappears. And quite frankly it is annoying to have to read something in a little window half the screen. It just is not convenient. I for one was looking forward to this research paper mainly because the topic does pertain to me, being a female beginning to enter the workforce where many women do not get to the positions they deserve. Recently, aka the last two days I have been wanting to kill myself over this stress of finding sources which support or even have to do with my topic. It is just plain FRUSTRATING! Many of the articles also pertain to a direct topic such as lawyers or Indian women in the workplace or just blacks and these are great little facts to add diversity to my paper but I need a more meaty over view and generalized information source!